
Copies of the agenda and past minutes are available from the website at or in hard copy on request to the Clerk

Members of the Lower Winterborne Parish Council are summoned to attend the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting which will take place at Winterborne Kingston Village Hall on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 7.00pm


  1. Public Participation – members of the public are invited to air any concerns or raise matters of public interest relating to the Parish
  2. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests on items contained within the Agenda and to consider any written dispensation requests received
  3. Apologies
  4. To approve a contractor for the grass cutting contract to include the Winterborne Kingston Recreation Ground, Play Area, Cemetery, Churchyard, Riverside, Footpath and Verges

Open a copy of the full Agenda and any additional reports (viewed as a PDF)

Alison Clothier; Clerk to the Parish Council
The Agenda can be reproduced in large print by giving 48 hours’
notice – Telephone 07771590038 or email the Clerk on

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