Minutes 19th January 2021

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19th January 2021 by video conferencing and commencing 7pm

Present: Cllrs H Andrews, R Allcock, K Langdown, L Luxford, D Knapp, R Sorrell
Chair: Cllr R Jessopp
Clerk: Mrs A Crocker

Also present: 17 members of the public and Dorset Cllr Emma Parker

Public Participation
Neighbourhood Plan – the question of how far the plan had gone was raised as this would have a bearing on future planning applications. Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus and subsequent lockdowns this could not be taken any further. This will be picked up as soon as it is possible to do to.

Land north of Plumley Meadows – considerable concern was expressed regarding this proposal. The main areas of concern are:
– the land on which the proposed development will take place lies outside the settlement boundary and is poorly related to the village.
– The area also lies with a flood zone and a formal flood risk assessment is required.
– The development is going to be taken off what is currently a cul-de-sac. It is a very small access route and, should the development go ahead, there could be up to another 40 vehicles entering and exiting this route.
– This time of year, the Winterborne stream is running at full volume. The proposed development relies on a bridge across the stream for access. The bridge will have to be made quite substantial to accommodate development vehicles and subsequent residents’ vehicles.
– There is no report regarding the treatment of sewage. All the properties in the village are on sceptic tanks.
– The applicant is justifying the proposal based on the fact that Dorset Council does not have the requisite 5 year supply of housing land for its administrative area.
It was noted that here is no development notice on the site and no notices have been issued to any of the nearby properties. No attempt has been made to engage with the local community.

1. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
21.63 No interests were declared and no requests for dispensations had been received.

2. Apologies
21.64 Apologies had been received from Cllr Richard Brock.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on the 17th November 2020
21.65 A copy of the minutes had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Allcock proposed them to be a true and accurate representation of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford and agreed unanimously. The minutes will be signed by the Chairman in due course.

4. Matters arising from the minutes for report only
21.66 Cllr Jessopp looked at the sign by the river and is waiting for a dry day to undertake the work.

Cllr Langdown has checked the war memorial and felt he could undertake the work as soon as the wreaths have been removed.

The Precept request has been submitted.

The mole issues on the verges have been sorted out.

5. Dorset Councillor’s Report
21.67 A copy of Cllr Parker’s report had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. It was noted that Dorset Council Plan consultation is now open and responses need to be in by March.

6. Finance
21.68 To confirm the payment of accounts
The following payments had been requested:
Rejuvenate – Email set up –  BACS058 – 67.20
BT – Hub burglar alarm – BACS059 – 35.04
HMRC – PAYE – December 2020 – BACS060 – 2.40
DWP – Waste collection – November 2020 – BACS061 – 13.20
A Crocker – December wages + expenses – BACS062 – 443.35
DC Pension Fund – December contribution – BACS063 – 124.33
Can I Cut It – Grass cutting & church yard tree work – BACS064 – 1,175.00
Total for December £1,860.52
BT – Hub alarm – BACS065 – 35.04
A Crocker – January wages + expenses – BACS066 – 470.72
HMRC – PAYE – January 2021 – BACS067 -2.40
PKF – External auditor’s fee – BACS068 – 240.00
Rejuvenate – Remote support, domain renewal – BACS069 – 144.00
DWP – Waste collection – December 2020 – BACS070 – 13.20
DC Pension Fund – December contribution – BACS071 – 124.33
Cut I Cut It – Grass cutting, leaf clearing in church yard – BACS072  – 845.00
ICL Web Design – Annual web hosting 01.04.20 to 31.03.21 – BACS073 – 60.00
Total for January £1,934.69

The total amount requested-  from the Precept this month is £3,795.21.

Cllr Luxford proposed the payments are made. This was seconded by Cllr Langdown and agreed unanimously.

21.69 To confirm the reconciliation of accounts and position against budget
A copy of both reports had been issued to members prior to the start of the meeting.

21.70 To accept external auditor’s report for the year ended 31st March 2020
A copy of the external auditor’s report had been issued to members prior to the start of the meeting. The auditors noted that Section 1 should have been recorded as ‘No’ as the Parish Council had failed to provide proper provision for the exercise of public rights in the year ended 31st March 2019. No other matters were raised.
Cllr Sorrell proposed the external auditors report is accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously.

7. Speed Watch, Traffic and Roads
21.71 Cllr Andrews reported that the Speed Watch is not permitted to operate during this period. At this time, there is no date given for when the initiative can resume.

8. WK Community Hub update
21.72 Cllr Luxford reported that there is nothing happening at the moment. Cllr Jessopp will check the tractor shed power and the gate access will be tightened up. There is something tunnelling inside the tractor shed and the Pest Control company will be contacted.


Overall, the site is not looking too bad. It will be necessary to look at the tractor in the coming year as it may need replacing.

9. To confirm the Responsibilities list for the coming year
21.73 A copy of the current list had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. The flood warden details were amended to show James Allen. All other positions remain the same.

Cllr Knapp proposed the amended list is accepted for the coming year. This was seconded by Cllr Sorrell and agreed unanimously. The amended list will be issued to members and the new list posted on the notice boards.


10. To receive the draft response on the Climate Change Emergency Consultation
21.74 Cllr Jessopp agreed to complete the survey on behalf of the Parish Council. The encouragement of wind farms would be the only area that is likely to affect the Parish and is not something the Parish Council is likely to agree with. Cllr Allcock proposed that Cllr Jessopp complete the survey. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford and agreed unanimously.


11. Planning applications and tree work proposals
21.75 P/OUT/2020/00279 Brackluna, Ribbonwood Farm, Anderson – erect rear extension with roof

This is a substantial detached dwelling with a modest extension proposed. The proposal should not have any adverse effect on neighbouring residents of the area in general. Cllr Langdown proposed the application is supported. This was seconded by Cllr Knapp and agree unanimously.

P/OUT/2020/00414 Land north of Plumley Meadows, Winterborne Kingston
Erect 20 dwellings, form vehicular access.

Andrews expressed concern that the top of the development goes into ordinary countryside. If this is permitted, this will set a precedent. The area proposed does not look wide enough for a road, a house and a garden.

Cllr Luxford agreed with all the comments raised by Cllr Andrews.

Cllr Langdown – strongly against. There is nothing stopping anyone from making a planning application on anyone else’s property. Is the present owner aware that the application has been submitted?

Cllr Allcock highlighted the possible consequences if this is approved. If the application is approved the Parish Council must ensure that appropriate CIL monies or 106 monies should be forthcoming. The applicant proposes a public open space – who is going to maintain this? A section 106 is mentioned. Perhaps this could be put towards the upgrade at the recreation ground.

Cllr Sorrell – the whole application seems very speculative and does not consider the local community at all.

Cllr Knapp proposed the Parish Council objects to the application. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and unanimously agreed.
Thorpe Farm application – objection was submitted.

12. WK Playground
21.76 Cllr Allcock reported that the proposed improvements have been delayed but should be implemented before the spring. The application for a Community Improvements Grant was submitted to Dorset Council at the beginning of January. The grant details will be sent to Cllr Parker and she will add a letter of support to the application.


13. Flood Watch
21.77 The Kingston flood watch warden, James Allan, checked all the residents’ mud pumps and serviced some. He has also unblocked several drains through the village. The ground water levels have not come up as high as they were and James is confident everything should be okay.

14. Parish Councillors’ Reports
21.78 Cllr Allcock – White Post turning is still very dark. The green cat’s eyes are still not in place. The Clerk will contact Highways England and copy in Dorset Cllr Parker.

Cllr Luxford – collapsed manhole at village hall. The manhole cover is for the inflow into the sceptic tank. The cover will be removed and the brickwork replaced and reinstated. This is the responsibility of the village hall committee and they will cover any costs incurred.

Cllr Andrews – style is broken at Bagwood Lane. Cllr Jessopp will report this to the Rights of Way. The hedges are not getting cut along West Street and are now badly overgrown again. Cllr Langdown will speak to the owner and ask them to cut it.


Cllr Langdown – will continue to spray off brambles encroaching the playing field. He will also look at the War Memorial as soon as the weather permits.

Cllr Knapp – gravel has been put down on the path between North Street to Broad Close. Thanks to Colin for undertaking the work.

15. Correspondence receive since the agenda was set
21.79 Possible development at East Street – the Clerk reported that a telephone call had been received saying that the land to the north of East Street is going to be submitted for planning in the Dorset Local Plan.

16. Items for the February agenda
21.80 – rental land on West Street
– Dorset Local Plan consultation

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.11hrs

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