Minutes 17th November 2020

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 17th November 2020 by video conferencing and
commencing 7pm

Present: Cllrs H Andrews, R Allcock, B Newman, K Langdown, R Brock
Chair: Cllr R Jessopp
Clerk: Mrs A Crocker

Also present: 1 members of the public and Dorset Cllr Emma Parker

Public Participation
Nothing to raise.

1. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
21.48 No interests were declared and no requests for dispensations had been received.

2. Apologies
21.49 Apologies had been received from Cllrs Lynn Luxford, Ron Sorrell and Dave Knapp (personal

3. Minutes of the meeting held on the 20th October 2020
21.50 A copy of the minutes had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Brock proposed them to be a true and accurate representation of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Allcock and agreed unanimously. The minutes will be signed by the Chairman in due course.

4. Matters arising from the minutes for report only
21.51 Cllr Jessopp looked at the sign by the river and is waiting for a dry day to undertake the work.

Cllr Langdown has checked the war memorial and felt he could undertake the work as soon as the wreaths have been removed.

5. Dorset Councillor’s Report
21.52 A copy of Cllr Parker’s report had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. No questions were raised.

The Climate Change Emergency Consultation – Cllr Jessopp will liaise with Cllr Brock and produce a draft response for putting before the Parish Council in January.

6. Finance
21.53.1 To confirm the payment of accounts
The following payments had been requested:
DWP – Waste collection – October 2020 – BACS050 – 13.20
DC Pension Fund – November contribution – BACS051 – 124.33
A Crocker – Wages + expenses – BACS052 – 536.04
HMRC – PAYE November 2020 – BACS053 – 2.60
Rejuvenate – Setting up new email address – BACS054 – 57.60
Cut I Cut It – Grass cutting – November 2020 – BACS055 – 725.00
BT – Hub burglar alarm – BACS056 – 35.04
B Northey – Grass cutting in Zelston – BACS057 – 333.35

The total amount requested from the Precept this month is £1,827.16

Cllr Brock proposed the payments are made. This was seconded by Cllr Newman and agreed unanimously.

21.53.2 To confirm the reconciliation of accounts and position against budget
A copy of both reports had been issued to members prior to the start of the meeting.

21.53.3 To accept external auditor’s report for the year ended 31st March 2002
As nothing has been received, this will be deferred to the next meeting.

21.53.4 To agree the Asset Register
A copy of the Register had been sent to all members prior to the start of the meeting. The total of assets currently stands at £330,193.34. Cllr Brock proposed that the Register is accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Allcock and agreed unanimously.

21.53.5 To agree the budget and Precept for the year to 31st March 2022
A draft budget proposal had been submitted to members prior to the start of the meeting.

It was noted that, under Covid19 recommendations, no income has been included for the Hub for the coming year.

The Clerk’s wages have been increased by 3% and the pension contribution in line with the increase. All other expenses have either been held the same as this year or reduced.

The suggested Precept for the year to 31st March 2022 is £39,480.00 which equates to a nil increase.

Cllr Brock proposed that there is no increase to the Precept is accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Allcock and agreed unanimously.

The Clerk will submit the appropriate papers to Dorset Council.

21.53.6 To consider a contribution towards the cost of the public toilets in Blandford
A request had been received from Blandford Town Council for a contribution towards the cost of maintaining the public toilets in the town. Cllr Langdown proposed that no contribution is made. This was seconded by Cllr Allcock and agreed unanimously. The Clerk will respond accordingly.

7. Speed Watch, Traffic and Roads
21.54 Cllr Andrews reported that the Speed Watch has been out twice, but the Police have now cancelled all speed watch groups until mid-January.

8. WK Community Hub update
21.55 Cllr Luxford was unable to attend the meeting but had reported that not a lot was happening and she is waiting confirmation from Secure Alarms as to when they would be able to visit to discuss upgrading the alarm.

9. To consider dates for the 2021 meetings and consider whether or not a meeting will be held in December
21.56 Should normal meeting resume the split between the village halls will remain on the first Tuesday of the month.

Cllr Andrews proposed that no meeting is held in December. This was seconded by Cllr Allcock and agreed unanimously.

10. Planning applications and tree work proposals
21.57 There were no planning applications or tree works at the time of this meeting.

11. WK Playground
21.58 Cllr Allcock reported that he is awaiting a date when the new equipment can be installed but it is going to need a dry period first.

12. Flood Watch
21.59 Cllr Jessopp spoke to James who said that the drains by the Greyhound and North Street became blocked during the last downfall and he had reported these. The river has not started running at Muston yet but is running well in Zelston. The river has not been cleared on the left-hand side of East Street. It is thought that this might be the responsibility of the Chichester Estate. It is clogged with weed and an email will be sent requesting the work is carried out quite quickly.

13. Parish Councillors’ Reports
21.60 Cllr Andrews reported she did try to get some more lamp post poppies as there are now only two left. She will try to get some next year. The Responsibilities list needs to be updated. The Clerk will send one round to all members to confirm their roles. This will then be updated and posted on the notice boards.

Cllr Allcock reported that the mole problem on the verges going out of the village have not been dealt with. The Clerk will chase the contractor. The hedgerows leading out of the village, especially between Kingston and Anderson, have not been cut. Cllr Langdown explained that the hedges have not been cut due to the wet conditions preventing the farmers getting on to the fields. They will be cut but it will take a bit longer than normal. The 30mph sign on West Street cannot be seen due to the hedges being so overgrown and it is a similar situation on the road to Anderson.

Cllr Langdown reported that he has had a request from a family that owns horses in the village asking for some horse riding signs – ‘please slow down’. There are signs available that are about 2’ high and 18” wide and cost about £30 each. This would have to go through Highways, and they would have to confirm that they are happy with the signs. The Clerk will approach Highways in the first instance.

14. Correspondence receive since the agenda was set
21.61 Nothing to add.

15. Items for the January agenda
21.62 – response to the Climate Change Emergency
– external auditor’s report
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 19.34 hrs

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