Minutes 5th May 2021


Present: Cllrs H Andrews, R Brock, R Sorrell, B Newman, R Allcock

Chair: Cllr R Jessopp

Clerk: Mrs Amanda Crocker

Also present: 2 members of public

Public Participation
It was noted that some information on the Parish Council website is out of date. This will be addressed as soon as possible. The cemetery charges were queried – how was the cost arrived at. A comparison of cemeteries in the area is undertaken and the prices set accordingly. The charges for the cemetery had not been increased for 5 years so a 5% increase was felt to be justified. This was discussed and confirmed at the March meeting.

1 Declaration of Interest and requests for dispensations
22.001 No interests were declared, and no dispensations had been requested.

2 Apologies
22.002 Apologies had been received from Cllrs Lynn Luxford and David Knapp and Dorset Councillor Emma Parker.

3 Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th April 2021
22.003 A copy of the minutes had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Sorrell proposed them to be a true and accurate representation of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Allcock and agreed unanimously. The Chair will sign the minutes in due course.

4 Matters arising from those minutes for report only
22.004 SID – appears not to be working. Cllr Langdown will be asked to look at it.

5 Elections
22.005 To elect the Chair for the coming year
Cllr Brock proposed Cllr Jessopp for the role. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously. Cllr Jessopp will sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office in due course.

22.006 To elect the Vice Chair for the coming year
Cllr Newman nominated Cllr Sorrell. This was seconded by Cllr Allcock and agreed unanimously. Cllr Sorrell will sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office in due course.

6 Dorset Councillors’ Reports
22.007 Cllr Emma Parker was unable to attend the meeting but had forwarded a copy of her report which had been issued to all councillors prior to the start of the meeting.

7. Finance
22.008 To confirm payment of accounts
The following payments had been requested:
Secure Alarms 6 monthly alarm maintenance BACS007 104.40
PW Accountancy Internal audit fee BACS008 135.00
BT Hub alarm – May 2021 BACS009 37.20
The total amount requested from the Precept for the month is £276.60.
Cllr Brock proposed the payments are made. This was seconded by Cllr Sorrell and agreed unanimously.

22.009 To confirm the Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31st March 2021
A copy had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Each statement was reviewed and individually acknowledged. Cllr Sorrell then proposed that the Annual Governance Statement is accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Brock and agreed unanimously. The Statement was then signed by the Chairman and Clerk.

22.010 To confirm the Annual Account Statements for the year ended 31st March 2021
A copy of the full set of accounts had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Sorrell proposed the accounts are accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously. The Accounting Statement was then signed by the Chairman and RFO.

22.011 To confirm the Standing Orders
A copy of the Standing Orders had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. There being no amendments necessary, Cllr Sorrell proposed the Orders are accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously.

22.012 To confirm the Financial Regulations
A copy of the Financial Regulations had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. There being no amendments necessary at this time, Cllr Andrews proposed the Regulations are accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Allcock and agreed unanimously.

22.013 To confirm the Risk Assessment
A copy of the current Risk Assessment had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Allcock proposed that the current Risk Assessment is accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously.

22.014 To agree to give delegated authority to the Clerk until the next meeting of the Parish Council on July 20th 2021
This has come about as a result of the Government not permitting virtual meetings to continue beyond the 6th May but with the Parish Council not having a suitable location in which to meet. The Clerk, in conjunction with the Chair, will be given delegated authority to continue to agree the day to day workings of the Parish Council under Delegated Powers.
Cllr Newman proposed the delegated authority is given to the Clerk. This was seconded by Cllr Brock and agreed unanimously.

8. Speed Watch update
22.015 Cllr Andrews reported that, with her on-going injury, the team was still unable to start. However, the Police camera team will be on site during May.
9. Hub update

22.016 Cllr Luxford was unable to attend the meeting but had previously reported that she is still awaiting quotes for the windows. The urn does not work, and she will purchase a new one. The Scouts have now started hiring the building again as have the Mother & Babies Group.
10. Planning Applications & Tree Work Proposals

22.017 To consider planning applications received
There were no planning applications for consideration.

11. WK Playground & Recreation Ground
22.018 Nothing to report.

12. Flood Watch
22.019 Nothing to report.

13. Parish Councillors’ Reports
22.020 Cllr Newman raised a point of order. He felt the format of the agenda needs to be changed and would like this included on the July agenda.

14, Correspondence receive since the agenda was set
22.021 Several emails have been received expressing concern about the campsite that is opening on the A31. This has been submitted to the Enforcement Officer who has replied saying that a case officer has been allocated. The permitted development rights do not apply to caravans and the site is advertising caravans and motor homes. The footpath from Anderson to the A31 has been passed to the Rights of Way Officer.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 17:44pm.

Comments are closed.