Minutes 15th September 2020

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21st July 2020 by video conferencing and commencing 7pm

Present: Cllrs H Andrews, R Allcock, L Luxford, B Newman, R Sorrell, K Langdown

Chair: Cllr R Jessopp

Clerk: Mrs A Crocker

Also present: 2 members of the public and Dorset Councillor Emma Parker

1. Public Participation
It was noted that one or two of the road signs are looking the worse for wear and the school sign has been damaged. Highways have been contacted about the school sign.

2. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
21.16 Cllr Luxford declared an interest in the Abbots Court planning application as she is currently employed by them on an ad hoc basis. No other interests were declared at this stage.

3. Apologies
21.17 Apologies had been received from Cllrs Richard Brock, and Dave Knapp.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on the 21st July 2020
21.18 A copy of the minutes had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Luxford proposed them to be a true and accurate representation of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Sorrell and agreed unanimously. The minutes will be signed by the Chairman in due course.

5. Matters arising from the minutes for report only
21.19 The bridleway SE6/1 has been cut by the Bere Regis Lengthsman.

6. Dorset Councillor’s Report
2121.20 A copy of Cllr Parker’s report had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Parker added that she and the Clerk had spoken regarding enforcement issues relating to entrances and gateways. These had been forwarded to Enforcement but there was no update at this point. Cllr Parker has now been appointed onto the Northern Planning Committee and they had, today, voted to go ahead with the multi-storey car park at Dorset County Hospital, despite the Officer recommendation to refuse the proposal. The vote was unanimous.

7. Finance
21.21.1To confirm the payment of accounts

The following payments had been requested:
BT – Hub alarm – September 2020 – BACS036 – 35.04
DWP – Waste collection – August 2020 – BACS037 – 13.20
DC Pension Fund – September contribution – BACS038 – 121.00
A Crocker – Wages + expenses – BACS039 – 432.04
HMRC – PAYE September 2020 – BACS040 – 0.20
Cut I Cut It – Grass cutting – September 2020 – BACS041 – 725.00

The total amount requested from the Precept this month is £1,326.48

Cllr Sorrell proposed the payments are made. This was seconded by Cllr Allsop and agreed unanimously.

21.21.2 To confirm the reconciliation of accounts and position against budget
A copy of both reports had been issued to members prior to the start of the meeting.

21.21.3 To agree the increase in the Clerk’s salary of 2.75% in line with the NALC pay agreement
Cllr Langdown proposed the increase is accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford and agreed unanimously.

8. Speed Watch, Traffic and Roads
21.22 Cllr Andrews reported that the team had been out 7 times since the last meeting, twice with TrueCam – the Police camera team. When the teams are out together, drivers will automatically get a ticket if they are caught speeding. There are currently 12 volunteers, but they are only able to operate at the northern end of the village at the moment because of social distancing and they are able to get onto the grass to avoid people walking past.

9. WK Community Hub update
21.23 Cllr Luxford reported that the Hub has been able to obtain the £10,000 grant from Dorset Council. The alarm and fire alarm system are due to be serviced shortly and needs to be replaced. The grant money could be used for this.

One birthday party recently. Scouts are due to be coming back but it is not known if the Mothers and Toddlers group will be able to come back.

Cllr Langdown has sprayed the brambles, so it is now possible to clean the windows.

10. To confirm the Road Closure for Remembrance Sunday
21.24 It has been recommended to go ahead and request the road closures, but it is not yet known if services will be allowed to take place. Cllr Jessopp will speak to the vicar. The Clerk will organise 3 wreaths in case this goes ahead. ACTION: CLERK

11. Planning applications and tree work proposals
21.25 2/2020/0190VARIA Abbots Court House, East Street
To vary conditions to allow use of up to 7 rooms for B&B and extend number of weddings to a maximum of 30 in any calendar year

Cllr Luxford took no part in this discussion.

Concern was expressed about the use of the access via East Street. It is understood that they only have to use the new access for events, not if the house is being rented out. It is unfortunate that East Street is one of the most used streets for pedestrians walking dogs, etc. All we can really do is ask the new tenants to encourage their visitors to use the new access. When the house is rented out, it will sleep up to 20 people. The way forward is to continue to work with the owners and try to get them to encourage their visitors to use the new access road.

The Parish Council does not object to the increase in the number of weddings, but we would like to make a point that we would like the access road to remain open and sign posted. In addition, East Street is narrow and exiting on to Muston Lane and onto the road between Winterborne Kingston and Blandford, visibility is very limited. With a large number of people exiting following a wedding or other event, this could prove hazardous. The application is for increasing the number of weddings but, perhaps, Highways should also be asked to comment.

2/2020/1154/MODPO 3-4 Wind Whistle Way
Amend application 2/2015/0791 to permit the Chargee to dispose of the Affordable Dwelling free from the provisions of this agreement
This is to amend the Section 106 agreement and means if they borrow money against it and go bankrupt, they will be able to sell it at full market value. Cllr Jessopp felt this was a fairly standard event and there was little reason to object. Cllr Jessopp recommendation no objection as this was a tidying up exercise only.

2/2020/01763 Redwoods, WZ
To review the Parish Council’s objection in light of new information provided

Our concern was for the waste going into the river, to which they replied that they have created a new entrance and they are intending to keep animals and storage of farm machinery. The letter would not appear to provide any response to our original concerns regarding contamination of the waterway, the size of the building and access on to the A31. Our objection remains the lack of provision for animal waste, the size of the building being disproportionate to the land area and visibility of the building. Nothing seems to have changed. Our objections remain. Cllr Newman proposed that we register our concerns regarding the scale of the building being too large for the plot of land and still have concerns about the dealing of waste should other animals be brought on to the premises.

Highways England have accepted the new exit and withdrawn their objection.

2/2020/0946 Petrol Station, A31 Main Road, WZ
Redevelopment of existing services. Proposed coffee shop with drive thru with parking, bin store and landscaping
The main concern from the village is the lights, especially late at night. Other than that, most villagers would be happy to see the site redeveloped. A request could be made for the lights to be low intensity lighting. The immediate neighbour’s concerns cover the period during the building works and the fact that they require parking for themselves and visitors once the work is completed. The Parish Council does not object to the application but would request that residents are able to maintain their access at all times during building work, that the school bus is able to access the site during and after building to pick up the children and that the lighting is sorted out so as to be non-invasive. Cllr Jessopp suggested that concerns are raised about the 24 hour lighting and what is going to be done regarding litter on the site. There is also the possibility that the site will be used for HGVs which were not previously taken on the site. This will inevitably result in increased noise. There is a 24-hour garage in the vicinity – is another one really needed in this area? Cllr Newman proposed that whilst we welcome the development of the site in the proposed form, we must express extreme concern about the 24-hour nature of the site and the items highlighted in the neighbour’s correspondence. This was seconded by Cllr Sorrell and agreed unanimously.

12. Winterborne Zelston
21.26 To consider the problem of dog fouling in the village and possible ways forward

A resident has since come forward and admitted that his dogs have been getting out and fouling the path by the village hall. The situation will be monitored. Cllr Sorrell suggested signs should be put up asking people to clear up after their dogs.

13. Winterborne Kingston
21.27 To review parking on Church Lane

This was raised by a resident expressing concern about parking in Church Lane whilst building work was being undertaken on

14. WK Playground
21.28 Cllr Jessopp reported that he has spoken to Colin Pitman about the installation of the equipment and, due to the amount of work he has at the moment, the installation is likely to take place in November.

15. Flood Watch
21.29 No report was available.
Cllr Newman reported that the coming weekend is the Zelston river clearing. The problem still exists with the amount of weed in the river and the issue of Hopes Willow, from where it is believed the nitrates are coming. He has also spoken to the Environment Agency and they are going to investigate it from a pollution point of view. Cllr Jessopp reminded members that Enforcement on Hopes Willow is likely to take up to 10 years. The EA have been asked to move upriver until they find where the nitrates are emanating from.

16. Parish Councillors’ Reports
21.15 Members are asked to pass any items to the Clerk by the 31st August 2020.

16. Items for the September agenda
21.30 Cllr Andrews reported that the post for the dog bin on West Street has broken but a temporary repair has been made.

Cllr Langdown raised the issue of the right of way to the north of his property. There is an old gate that has been there for many years and used to be used to prevent children from going onto the main road but has not been used for nearly 40 years. No objections were raised for Cllr Langdown to remove the gate and tidy up the area.

17. Correspondence receive since the agenda was set
21.31 Trees in the cemetery – some work needs to be undertaken and Cllr Jessopp reported that permission may be needed from the Diocese. Colin Pitman will be asked to undertake the work in due course.

Outlook – the email address, currently held by DAPTC, is inadequate for the need. The Clerk requested that the Parish Council purchase their own Outlook system, dedicated to the Parish Council which will mean a greater storage capacity and to take on the services of Rejuvenate at a cost of £11.30 per month. Cllr Luxford proposed that this is undertaken. This was seconded by Cllr Sorrell and agreed unanimously.

18. Items for the October agenda
21.32 Budgets

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20:16hrs

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