Minutes 18th February 2020

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18th February 2020 at Winterborne Zelston Village Hall, commencing 7pm

Present: Cllrs R Allcock, R Brock, K Langdown, H Andrews, L Luxford, D Knapp, R Sorrell

Chair: Cllr R Jessopp

Clerk: Mrs A Crocker

Also present: 3 members of the public

Prior to the start of the meeting, a minute’s silence was observed following the death of ex councillor Jocelyn Jenkins. She had been a long-standing councillor and, despite stepping down from the Parish Council, continued to be our Rights of Way Officer for a number of years. Our thoughts are with her friends and family.

1. Public Participation
20.145 The notice board next to the Winterborne Kingston bus shelter has a piece of Perspex broken. Mr Andrews will be asked to take a look at it. The notice board on the village hall is suffering from condensation despite being sealed. Mr Andrews will have another look and see if anything can be done.

The Parish Council was asked if it was happy to be entered into the Best Kept Village Competition this year. Cllr Jessopp confirmed that we would and there would be a number of projects that could be considered.

2. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
20.146 No interests were declared at this stage.

3. Apologies
20.147 Apologies had been received from Cllr Bill Newman and Dorset Councillor Emma Parker.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on the 20th January 2020
20.148 A copy of the minutes had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Andrews proposed them to be a true and accurate representation of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford and agreed unanimously. The minutes were signed by the Chairman in the presence of the meeting.

5. Matters arising from the minutes for report only
20.149 Nothing arising that is not covered by the agenda.

6. To receive an update on the Winterborne Kingston Neighbourhood Plan
20.150 Following the call for volunteers, two residents have put their names forward. It was suggested that a public meeting is held in March and, in the meantime, the advert will continue to run and, hopefully, a few more residents will come forward to help.

6. Dorset Councillor’s Report
20.151 Cllr, Parker was unable to attend the meeting and no report was available.

7. Finance
20.152 To confirm the payment of accounts
The following payments had been requested:

BT Hub alarm BACS017 33.58
JSR Treecare WK grass cutting – January BACS018 833.33
Dorset Council Trade Waste – January 2020 BACS019 11.55
DC Pension Fund Pension contribution – Feb’20 BACS020 121.00
HMRC NIC – January 2020 BACS021 41.54
A Crocker Feb’20 wages + expenses BACS022 489.72
D J Andrews Kingston notice board repairs BACS023 45.00
ICL Web Design Domain name hosting for 2 years BACS024 24.00
JSR Treecare February grass cutting BACS025 833.33

The total amount requested from the Precept this month is £2,433.05.

Cllr Sorrell proposed the payments are made. This was seconded by Cllr Langdown and agreed unanimously.

20.153 To confirm the reconciliation of accounts and position against budget
A copy of both reports had been issued to members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Brock proposed the reports were accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Knapp and agreed unanimously.

9. Speed Watch update
20.154 Cllr Andrews reported that the NPCC were carrying out a large speeding initiative over a period of several weeks. Cllr Andrews managed to get three teams out during the second week and caught 10 motorists speeding. Two members of the team have left, and two new volunteers have come forward so the number of volunteers available remains at around 13. Cllr Andrews reported that she also assists Winterborne Whitchurch Speed Watch Team when she is available.

10. WK Community Hub update
20.155 Cllr Luxford reported that she is still looking for someone to clean the cooker. The alarm is playing up again, but this may be down to the windy weather. The alarm is due its annual service in the near future and Cllr Luxford will speak to the engineer then. Bookings continue to come in. The sensor on the outside light is now facing out rather than towards the steps and a lightbulb is out in the cupboard.

11. Planning applications and tree work proposals
20.156 Nothing had been received at the time of the meeting.

12. WK Playground
20.157 Cllr Allcock reported that the new trees at the recreation ground are well watered in, but the grass has now got too long for our mower and we may need to organise a first cut when it gets drier. There is an issue with dogs fouling in the play area. There is a possibility that we could put a ban on dogs in the area, but this would upset a lot of people and would be difficult to police. There have been some issues with dogs running loose and attacking other dogs in the recreation ground. The Dog Warden will be invited to visit the site.

No quotes have been received for the cleaning and painting of the playground equipment. The paint on the equipment is flaking and looks bad. Cllr Allcock will continue to look into ways of resolving this problem.

13. To consider the Winterborne Kingston grass cutting contract for the year commencing 1st April 2020
20.158 Cllr Allcock reported that four tenders had been received, ranging from £8,700 to £19,000. He proposed that Colin Pitman is given the contract at a cost of £8,700. The benefit is that Mr Pitman lives in the village and will take greater ownership of the task. He also has relatives in the cemetery and is keen to keep the area neat and tidy.

Cllr Knapp seconded the proposal and it was agreed unanimously. The Clerk will contact the contractor and arrange for the contract to be formally completed and for copy certificates, etc. to be forwarded to the Parish Council.

13. Home Watch/Flood Watch
20.158 Graham Hyde was unable to attend the meeting but had sent the Clerk the following statement:

‘As of the 16th February, things were heading back towards Christmas after Storm Dennis came. There is some ponding in fields, again due to springs and the river has come up a fair bit. The river will continue to rise until the end of the week probably with some increased spring activity. Residents’ defensive pumps are once again pumping, some continuously, other intermittently. However, everything seems under control and should be okay unless we have another storm.’
Cllr Langdown reported that the water table between Kingston and Muston has increased quite substantially over the last few days and there is more rain to come. The river is at its highest at the moment.

14. Parish Councillors’ Reports
20.159 Cllr Luxford has received a request for a booking in the summer over a weekend and they would like to camp in the field. It is a resident who have family members coming to stay overnight and they have insufficient room. It was suggested a specific area is given to them to camp in and an additional charge is made.

Cllr Knapp highlighted the green cats’ eyes are missing from the White Post Junction. This could be extremely dangerous for anyone who does not know the area.

It was noted that the date for Open Gardens is 28th June this year. The car park at the recreation ground will need to be used for parking for the event.

Cllr Langdown reported that the tree that was deemed to be dangerous on the road north of the village fell last week, causing considerable inconvenience for road users. The Council cut the tree up, took away the logs and left the brash on the verge. This will affect the grass cutting contractor and the Clerk will contact Highways asking them to clear it up.

Wyatts still have their signs up all over the village.

15. Correspondence receive since the agenda was set
20.160 Nothing to add.

16. Items for the March agenda
20.161 Members are reminded to pass any items for inclusion on the agenda to the Clerk by the 10th March.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 19.39pm
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th March 2020 at Winterborne Kingston Village Hall, commencing 7pm.

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