Minutes 21 July 2020

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21st July 2020 by video conferencing and commencing 7pm

Present: Cllrs H Andrews, D Knapp, B Newman, L Luxford, R Sorrell

Chair: Cllr R Jessopp

Clerk: Mrs A Crocker

Also present: 2 members of the public

1. Public Participation
Both village halls received the £10,000 grant from Dorset Council. Kingston village hall is working towards opening in September but there are still many hoops to jump through. They will be sending out a questionnaire to find out what residents are likely to need with regard to the hall usage.

Cllr Sorrell asked if the new gateway onto Marsh Lane at Thomson should have required a planning application. The Clerk reported that, as this was a new access, a planning application should have been submitted. This has now been passed to Planning Enforcement.

Redwoods – the original entrance/exit has been closed and an access has been opened on to the lane going up to Riverside Farm. Although this now opens on to a private road, it is felt that planning should still have been required.

Canada Geese at Zelston – the Clerk has looked into this. Action is fairly limited due to the location of the site. Experts have suggested that the best course of action would be for residents to use the green area for walking their dogs or spending time on and the geese would get fed up and move on.

2. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
21.01 No interests were declared at this stage.

3. Apologies
21.02 Apologies had been received from Cllrs Richard Brock, Roy Allcock and Keith Langdown.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on the 17th March 2020
21.03 A copy of the minutes had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Andrews proposed them to be a true and accurate representation of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford and agreed unanimously. The minutes will be signed by the Chairman in due course.

5. Matters arising from the minutes for report only
21.04 The volunteer group for Covid19 had been set up and there has been quite a few residents who responded to the leaflet early on and required help in the early days. Things have quietened down now and the group will be held open in case it is needed in the future.

6. Dorset Councillor’s Report
21.05 A copy of Cllr Parker’s report had been issued to all members in early July and there was no further update.

7. Finance
21.06.1 To confirm the payment of accounts

The following payments had been requested:
D Knapp – Fuel for mower – BACS019  – 44.00
DC Pension Fund – July contribution – BACS020 – 121.00
DWP Waste collection – June 2020 – BACS021 – 13.20
Pam White Accounts – Internal audit ye 31.03.20 – BACS022 – 135.00
Can I Cut It – Grass cutting – July 2020 – BACS023 – 725.00
DAPTC – Annual subscription – BACS024 – 345.48
DAPTC – Clerks’ training – BACS025 – 11.00
BT – Hub alarm – BACS026 – 35.04
A Crocker – Wages + expenses – BACS027 – 502.52
HMRC – PAYE July 2020 – BACS028 – 0.20

The total amount requested from the Precept this month is £1,932.84

Cllr Luxford proposed the payments are made. This was seconded by Cllr Knapp and agreed unanimously.

21.06.2 To confirm the reconciliation of accounts and position against budget
A copy of both reports had been issued to members prior to the start of the meeting.

21.06.3 To agree the Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31st March 2020
A copy had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Each statement was reviewed and individually acknowledged. Cllr Andrews then proposed that the Annual Governance Statement is accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Sorrell and agreed unanimously. The Statement will be signed by the Chairman and Clerk in due course.

21.06.4 To agree the Accounting Statement for the year ended 31st March 2020
A copy of the full set of accounts had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Knapp proposed the accounts are accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Sorrell and agreed unanimously. The Accounting Statement will be signed by the Chairman and RFO in due course.

8. Speed Watch, Traffic and Roads
21.07 Cllr Andrews reported that the Speed Watch had been given the go ahead to start in July but most of the team were unable to do so. It will be starting up in August and running once a week to start with to see how it goes. It will be necessary for Cllr Andrews to sanitise everything before and after use – this includes pens, jackets, clipboards, etc. It was generally felt that the return of the Speed Watch would be very welcome as the speed of vehicles through the village appears to have increased.

9. WK Community Hub update
21.08 Cllr Luxford reported that the Hub was still closed. She is working on a Risk Assessment. The Scouts would like to return at the beginning of September and the Mother & Toddlers will probably be late August. In the meantime, Cllr Luxford has been undertaking a deep clean ready for the building to be re-opened.

An enquiry has been received for a keep fit class and is keen to hire the Hub on a regular basis when things settle down. There is also an enquiry for a birthday party in late August.

Cllr Andrews asked in the PAT testing needed doing. It is due to be undertaken about this time. Mr Andrews will be asked to undertake the work as soon as he is able.

10. Neighbourhood Plan Update
21.09 Nothing to report.

11. Planning applications and tree work proposals
21.10 There were no planning applications or tree work proposals for consideration.

12. WK Playground
21.11 Cllr Jessopp reminded members that we have the opportunity to acquire some second-hand playground equipment. Cllr Knapp proposed that Cllr Allcock is given a budget of up to £5,000 for the purchase and installation of the second-hand play equipment. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford and agreed unanimously.

13. Home Watch/Flood Watch
21.12 The Clerk will contact Graham Hyde and ask him to undertake the formal handover of the role. ACTION: CLERK

14. Parish Councillors’ Reports
21.13 Cllr Andrews reported that the new village shop is thriving and being well used. It is a great asset to the village.

Cllr Jessopp reported that several residents have reported issues with some rights of way being overgrown. These can be reported on the Dorset for Your website. The Clerk will contact the Bere Regis Lengthsman and ask him to cut Bridleway SE6/1 running from Bere Regis to Kingston.  ACTION: CLERK

15. Correspondence receive since the agenda was set
21.14 Nothing had been received.

16. Items for the September agenda
21.15 Members are asked to pass any items to the Clerk by the 31st August 2020.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 19:20.

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