Minutes 16th February 2021

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16th February 2021 by video conferencing and commencing 7pm

Present: Cllrs H Andrews, R Allcock, K Langdown, L Luxford, D Knapp, R Sorrell, B Newman
Chair: Cllr R Jessopp
Clerk: Mrs A Crocker

Also present: 3 members of the public and James Allan, Flood Watch

Public Participation
Adrienne McIntosh – future of the allotment fields – The field used to be used as allotments but there was a problem due to lack of water and rabbits. The access is also not wide enough to allow vehicular access. Mrs McIntosh has also volunteered her time to assist with the production of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Parish Council web site is out of date and needs to be brought up to date.

Joan Nash – Hedges throughout the village are a problem. Noah Henville Corner – the road is quite rough and needs resurfacing.

1. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
21.81 No interests were declared and no requests for dispensations had been received.

2. Apologies
21.82 Apologies had been received from Dorset Cllr Emma Parker.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on the 19th January 2021
21.83 A copy of the minutes had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting.
It was noted that item 21.79 should read ‘..the land to the south of East Street..’ Once this amendment was made Cllr Knapp proposed them to be a true and accurate representation of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford and agreed unanimously. The minutes will be signed by the Chairman in due course.

4. Matters arising from the minutes for report only
21.84 Responsibilities – An amended list had been issued to all members following the January meeting. This will be updated on the website.

Bagwood Lane – The use of the bridleway by vehicles has been reported to Highways who subsequently contacted the landowner and a notice will be placed at the entrance to the path.

5. To consider a response to the Dorset Council Local Plan consultation
21.85 Cllr Brock had produced a draft response which had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting.

As far as the parish is concerned, there is little that affects us. Winterborne Kingston is identified as one of the larger villages and the proposals for larger villages is that new development will be restricted to infilling within the development framework. There is no intention to alter the boundaries of the settlement. There are no allocations for new residential development within Winterborne Kingston. Cllr Brock suggested we broadly support the Plan but would like to see the settlement boundary confirmed. We should also put forward a proposal that, under the criteria for COM11 dealing with small scale wind farms, the word ‘minimise’ be replaced by ‘totally avoids adverse effects upon residential amenity.’

Rupert Hardy, Chairman of the North Dorset CPRE, was invited to address the meeting. He informed the meeting that Dorset CPRE are critical of the Local Plan and the consultation process and went on to set out their concerns. One of the main concerns is that residents are being consulted on the location of housing, not whether the housing is actually needed for the area and the number of houses proposed is 39,000. Although there are no specific allocations for the parish in this Plan, the parish lies outside any areas of AONB which is one of the main guidelines for siting housing developments.

The projection for housing in Dorset is 47% higher than is actually required. This means there will be pressure on Dorset Council to find space for the housing. This could well have an impact on Winterborne Kingston in the long run.

Cllr Allcock proposed that Cllr Brock’s suggestion is accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford.
In favour: 6
Against: 2

Resolved: Cllr Brock’s proposal will be submitted.

6. Dorset Councillor’s Report
21.86 A copy of Cllr Parker’s report had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. No issues were raised.

7. Finance
21.87 To confirm the payment of accounts
The following payments had been requested:
BT – Hub alarm – BACS074 – 35.04
DC Pension Fund – February contribution – BACS075 – 124.33
HMRC – PAYE – February 2021 – BACS076 – 2.60
A Crocker – February wages + expenses – BACS077 – 436.88
DWP – Waste collection – January 2021 – BACS078 – 13.20
Cut I Cut It – Grass cutting – BACS079 – 725.00
Total for February 2021 – £1,302.01

The total amount requested from the Precept this month is £1,302.01.

Cllr Brock proposed the payments are made. This was seconded by Cllr Allcock and agreed unanimously.

21.88 To confirm the reconciliation of accounts and position against budget
A copy of both reports had been issued to members prior to the start of the meeting.

21.89 To consider a grant request from Willdoes
A request for a grant has been received from Willdoes – an organisation set up to support the mental and physical well-being of young people through activities and events and to support other organisations who provide services and opportunities to young people which have the same outcomes in Dorset.

Cllr Andrews proposed that we do not give a grant to this group. Cllr Langdown seconded this, and members agreed unanimously that no monies would be given to them

8. Speed Watch, Traffic and Roads
21.90 Cllr Andrews reported that the Police will still not let the groups go out.

9. WK Community Hub update
21.91 Cllr Luxford reported that the Hub will need a spring clean as soon as lockdown ends, and we can start allowing people back into the building.

10. Planning applications and tree work proposals
21.92 There were no planning applications at the time of this meeting

11. WK Playground
21.93 Cllr Allcock reported that the work has started on the play area refurbishments. This should be completed within the next couple of weeks.

There is mole activity at the top of the recreation ground and in the play area. The Pest Control company will be contacted to sort this out.

Cllr Brock suggested a phased programme of improvements is put in place for the play area over the next 2 or 3 years. This is being carried out in a piece meal fashion, although a plan has not been written down. More work will be required, including replacing the fencing and some of the safer surfacing. It may be helpful to have a long-term plan in place, so the Parish Council is able to budget for future work and equipment. Cllr Allcock will put some plans together.


There is a problem with dogs in the area. The Clerk will ask the Dog Warden to visit the site.

12. To consider the future of the ‘Allotment Field’
21.94 It was suggested that the width of the entrance way could be increased to allow vehicular access and water put on the site. The land is currently let out for hay making.

In the first instance, a notice will be served to finalise the lease. This was proposed by Cllr Knapp, seconded by Cllr Brock and agreed unanimously. The Clerk will write the appropriate letter regarding this.

Flood Watch
21.95 James Allan reported that he has checked on residents’ pumps and made sure they are all working. At present, the ground water levels have dropped a meter and a half in the last 4 days and are 8m lower than this time last year. He has access to sandbags, etc. but this is not likely to be necessary.

14. Parish Councillors’ Reports
21.96 Cllr Newman will ask Andy Meaton to provide a flood watch report for Zelston for the March meeting.

Cllr Andrews raised the issue of hedges. The owners of the various hedges along the main road have said they will be getting them cut. There is a severe problem with dog mess along Bagwood Lane as well as various other places around the village. She asked if more signs could be put up around the village.

Thanks are extended to Colin Pitman for sorting out the verge that had been damage by the tractor along the main road.

Cllr Langdown has contacted the owner of the hedge west of Stoney Lawn who has said it is the tenant’s responsibility and they are going to get the hedge cut within the next two weeks.

15. Correspondence receive since the agenda was set
21.97 No further correspondence had been received.

16. Items for the February agenda
21.98 – notice board in Zelston needs to be replaced. Cllr Sorrell will obtain some quotes ready for the meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.03hrs.

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