Minutes 16th March 2021

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16th February 2021 by video conferencing and commencing 7pm

Present: llrs R Allcock, K Langdown, L Luxford, D Knapp, B Newman, H Andrews, R Brock, R Sorrell
Chair: Cllr R Jessopp
Clerk: Mrs A Crocker

Also present: 11 members of the public and Minna Henderson of Wessex Internet
Minna Henderson was invited to address the meeting and gave a brief background to the work they do. Their aim is to bring ultrafast internet to rural locations, in particular Winterborne Zelston and Anderson. They are a Dorset-based internet provider and are customer-focused on next generation connectivity. They have built their own infrastructure so are not piggybacking off BT and do not have the limitations of who they can and cannot connect to through them. They have laid about 1800km of fibre and have 150 masts across Dorset, Wiltshire, Hampshire and Somerset. They currently have a customer base of over 4,000 customers most of whom are rural based. They are based just outside of Blandford. They use the Rural Gigabit Connectivity Voucher (RGC) funding programme to expand the network to rural communities. This means that, where funding is approved, they are able to claim £1,500 per residential property and £3,500 plus the £1,500 for small to medium sized businesses. These resources are pooled for an area and this helps to build the network including individual connections. The RGC scheme will be closing at the end of March but additional funding will be available although the eligibility criteria and value is not yet known. They would still like people to register their interest, so they are able to secure the funding. They currently have approval to use the funding in Winterborne Anderson, Muston and Tomson and then Winterborne Zelston and a small part of Huish. Anyone within these areas, at the moment, can claim a voucher to fund their installation via Wessex Internet. They like to obtain a 40% uptake from a community before they can initiate the planning and land access discussions.

The project for Anderson and Muston will probably be the first as this is where the most interest has been seen. They are waiting for the registrations to come in from Zelston and for the vouchers to start being claimed. More interest is needed from Muston, Anderson and Tomson.

Packages start from £29 but incur a £49 activation fee. There is no need to have a BT line as their infrastructure is their own. If anyone is interested, they should contact the sales team via the website or call on 0333 240 7997.

Public Participation
The question of sites in the village included in the most recent land availability assessment was raised. Apart from the one on East Street, there are four others, one of which was Thorpe Farm. Under achievability, it was noted that development would potentially be viable in this location. Under the conclusions, it is noted that the northern end of the site is within flood zone two, is remote from the village with no public footpath and deemed to be an unsuitable site. However, prior approval has now been granted to an application for a development site. Knowing what is happening at Thorpe Farm, it is possible that more development could take place on sites that are deemed to be unsuitable. In the knowledge that the Neighbourhood Plan may take some time to complete, does the Parish Council have any concerns on the matter? Cllr Brock responded saying that he had no particular concerns as the Land Availability Assessment is landowners putting their land forward as being available, but it does not confer any planning permission for development of the land. Should anything come forward, the Parish Council would have the opportunity to review the application and comment accordingly.

Di Lewis expressed interest in the agenda item for the Community Governance Review. This is the first time such an opportunity had been made available and she would be in favour of such a review. Mrs Lewis went on to ask about the Village Meetings – have the dates been set and would it be possible to have items added on to the agendas at a later date. The Clerk responded saying that the meetings would be held by Zoom and invites would be sent out nearer the time.

1. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
21.99 No interests were declared and no requests for dispensations had been received.

2. Apologies
21.100 Apologies had been received from James Allan, Flood Watch.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on the 19th January 2021
21.101 A copy of the minutes had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting.

Cllr Brock proposed them to be a true and accurate representation of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford and agreed unanimously. The minutes will be signed by the Chairman in due course.

4. Matters arising from the minutes for report only
21.102 Dog warden – The Clerk will follow up on potential visits.

Allotment field – A letter has been sent to the family of the late tenant.

5. Dorset Councillor’s Report
21.103 A copy of Cllr Parker’s report had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting.

6. Finance
21.104 To confirm the payment of accounts

The following payments had been requested:
Sutcliffe Play – Basket swing, safagrass mats – BASC080 – 1336.80
DC Pension Fund – March 2021 pension contributions – BACS081 – 124.33
Can We Cut It – Grass cutting, verge repairs, water rec. trees – BACS082 – 975.00
DWP – Waste collection February 2021 – BACS083 – 13.20
A Crocker – March wages + expenses – BACS084 – 440.55
HMRC – March 2021 PAYE – BACS085 – 2.40
Water2Business – Cemetery & Hub 28.08.20 to 26.02.21 – BACS086 – 23.57
BT – Hub burglar alarm March 2021 – BACS087 – 35.04
Rejuvenate Support – February & March – BACS088 – 27.12
Can I Cut It – Work on installation of play equipment – BACS089 – 3570.00
Total for March 2021 £6,548.01

The total amount requested from the Precept this month is £6,548.01.

Cllr Luxford proposed the payments are made. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously.

21.105 To confirm the reconciliation of accounts and position against budget
A copy of both reports had been issued to members prior to the start of the meeting.

21.106 To review the Cemetery Burial fees
A copy of the current fees had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. The fees were last updated in 2016.
Cllr Brock proposed a 5% increase across all fees. This would take a burial from £275 to £288.75. This was seconded by Cllr Knapp. This increase was agreed unanimously and, moving forward, an inflationary increase will be made each year.

21.107 To consider the purchase of a new notice board for Zelston
Members had been issued with three quotes for a new notice board which are, as near as possible, like for like to the current one. Cllr Sorrell proposed opting for a 2-bay 4 x A4 notice board constructed from man-made timber at a cost of £1,287.67, including shipping but excluding VAT. This is the cheapest of the three options but, more importantly, is one that is relatively maintenance free. This was seconded by Cllr Newman and agreed unanimously.

21.108 To consider increasing the grass cutting contract to £1,000 per month
The budget for the year ended 31st March 2022 has been set at £1,000 per month. This represents a sizeable increase on the current year, but the contractor is doing considerably more than was set out in the original contract. The contract will be reviewed and amended to take account of the extra work being undertaken.


21.109 To pay an additional £200 a month for regular cuts of the recreation ground and to consider the sale of the mower
It was noted that, in terms of the maintenance of the recreation ground, we have been relying on volunteers from the village. Cllr Knapp has, up until now, taken on the role of cutting the grass regularly, but he is no longer able to do this. As a result, the grass quite often does not get cut. With the grass not being cut, we have more problems with dogs’ mess in the area. We also have a problem with the mower in that, when the grass has not been cut over the winter, we have to pay an external source to cut the grass in the spring at a cost of

about £400. Colin Pitman has offered to cut the recreation ground regularly. He would provide a tractor for it and would cut it every other week at a cost of £200 a month. This means we would be able to sell our mower and get some money back on it. We would also not have to hold money for servicing and repairing the mower or building up a fund for replacing it.

Cllr Allcock proposed that the additional £200 is paid for 10 months. This was seconded by Cllr Brock.

7. To consider whether or not to undertake a Community Governance Review
21.110 Dorset Council has received a number of queries from parish councils asking how they can change their governance arrangements, all of which can be considered as part of a Community Governance Review (CGR). The responsibility for undertaking a CGR falls to the principal council (Dorset Council) and can be triggered by a request from a parish. As a principal authority Dorset Council are required to undertake a review of governance arrangements of all parishes every 10-15 years. The legislation requires any review to be completed within 12 months of Dorset Council publishing its Terms of Reference which is the document that sets the process running. They propose to ‘formally’ start this piece of work in July of this year. It should be noted that any changes to governance arrangements agreed as part of the review cannot take effect until the next scheduled elections in May 2024.

Whilst the process will not start until July, Dorset Council have recommended that parish councils start talking with their parish at an early stage. If a change is proposed, a detailed submission must be draw up and must reflect the identities and interests of the community in that area, must be effective and convenient; and must show the impact it will have on the electorate.

Cllr Sorrell raised the possibility of Zelston breaking away from the Group Parish. Little time in Parish Council meetings is taken up with Zelston matters as Kingston is the larger of the villages and has more going on. This has put people off standing as a councillor in the past. He proposed talking to residents of the village and seeing how they felt about it.

Further information will be gathered, and this will be brought back to the April meeting for consideration.

8. Speed Watch, Traffic and Roads
21.111 Cllr Andrews reported that she had a Team meeting with the main co-ordinator and the camera team. At the moment, the camera team are unable to attend the village as there is nowhere they can park the van. As soon as the Speed Watch team is up and running again, the camera team will also attend.

9. WK Community Hub update
21.112 Cllr Luxford reported that she has started the spring clean. The alarm company have visited the site and have come back with a price to update the alarm. At the moment, the alarm is very sensitive and is activated by the wind or insects. They have quoted £200 + VAT to change the sensors for the intruder alarm and £120 to add three more smoke detectors.

Cllr Luxford proposed that the work is undertaken at a cost £320 + VAT and this could be taken from the £10,000 grant received. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously.

Cllr Luxford also requested that some of the grant money is also used to replace the windows. The existing windows do not fit well and she would like to get some quotes in to replace them with double-glazed windows. Cllr Langdown will organise getting quotes for the work.


10. Planning applications and tree work proposals
21.113 TPO/2021/0012 Land at Plumbley Meadows, WK
A1 all trees of whatever species to be covered by the Tree Preservation Order

Following the receipt of an outline planning application P.OUT/2020/00414, Dorset Council undertook an assessment, and it is considered that trees on site positively add to the amenity of the local area and, therefore, their long-term protection and retention is sought.

Cllr Brock reported that Dorset Council may have decided that, because there is a threat of development, all the trees on the site have been covered with a TPO. This does not necessarily mean that a planning application will be refused. Should planning be permitted, consideration will need to be given to the trees on the site.

P/PAAF/2021/00336 Land adjoining Ravensholt Foxglove Farm, The Street, WZ
Change of use & conversion of agricultural building to flexible business use (Class E)

Cllr Sorrell reported that the land in question is in the middle of a residential area and in the middle of a conservation area. The owner operates his business from this land and is an agricultural contractor and has been operating from this site for a number of years. The owner is selling the house but wishes to retain the land in order to continue running his business. The application for a change of use may arise out of this change of circumstance. Two neighbours have registered objections because:
– The change in use to a class E would lead to a wide range of possible future uses once granted and could have a major impact on the surrounding properties.
– The only entrance to the site would be from a driveway between the two properties and the access on to the road is not suitable for large heavy vehicles
– There is a potential for significant noise and light nuisance

Cllr Sorrell proposed that the Parish Council have no objections to the owner continuing his current business from the site as it has successfully operated from the site for a number of years without any detriment to the environment and the village and, in the current climate, it is important that businesses like this survive and flourish and we do not put obstacles in their way. However, if a change of use to Class E is granted, it should include limitations that restrict the future potential use in order to address the concerns of the adjoining properties. No objections provided there are limitations on the Class E should it be granted.

Cllr Newman added, because of the restricted access, we should also make the point of limiting the number of vehicles accessing the site as a result of change of use.

Cllr Jessopp opened this to members of the public, but no-one had any comments to make.

Cllr Sorrell proposed the Parish Council supports the proposal with conditions as set out by the neighbouring properties. This was seconded by Cllr Newman and agreed unanimously.

Blandford Eco Hub – a planning application has not been received as yet.

11. WK Playground
21.114 Cllr Allcock reported that both sets of swings and the roundabout are now in and the site should be ready for the Easter holidays. There is a problem with the fencing around the play area and around the Hub. This will have to be looked at in the long term with new fencing.

It was suggested that perhaps metal fencing could be installed as this would reduce the maintenance needed on the wooden fence. Cllr Allcock will work out some costings and report back.


As the trees planted two years ago are now getting bigger, it may be necessary to buy some tree stacks to support them. Once purchased, we will need some volunteers to put them in. Cllr Allcock will find out what is needed and report back to the April meeting.


12. Rights of Way update
21.115 Cllr Jessopp will chase regarding the repair to the style.


13. Flood Watch
21.116 James Allan was unable to attend but had said there was nothing to report.
Cllr Newman reported that the river in Zelston was running well and there was nothing further to report.

14. To consider items for the Village Meetings
21.117 It is a legal requirement for the meetings to be held between the 1st March and the 1st June. If anyone has any items they would like to include, please contact the Clerk.

The Zelston village hall is not due to open until the 1st May but it would not be possible to meet in person until after the 21st June at the earliest.

This item will be taken back to the April Parish Council meeting with a view to holding the Zelston village meeting in May, once more information has been gathered regarding the CGR.

15. Parish Councillors’ Reports
21.118 Cllr Newman reported that there are issues with the roads in Zelston, in particular the potholes. There are now a large number of potholes in The Street. He asked that the Clerk write to Dorset Highways to ask them to do something about them. The potholes that had been repaired are all now in need of redoing, in addition, the verges and edges of the road also now need repairing. The A31 continues to cause problems. Highways England seem to have abandoned everything. There are flood gullies on the highest part of the road, and it is fairly bear on the edges of the road which could create problems when vehicles hit them. He requested that the Parish Council writes to Kia and asks them what the purpose is of removing the verges and replacing them with bollards; areas also now need resurfacing and the site now looks a mess. Portacabins and equipment have all been left. Perhaps we could invite them to speak to the Parish Council. We would like to know if the work has been completed or what is likely to be happening. Perhaps they would be willing to send a report regarding the work for the Parish Council to comment on. Cllr Emma Parker will be copied in on any correspondence.


Cllr Langdown reported that the hedge at Haytor Farm on the road towards Bere Regis need cutting back and there are trees that are hanging out over the road.

Cllr Allcock reported that the dogs’ mess at the recreation ground is becoming a major problem and we should, perhaps, think about introducing a No Dogs by law on the site.

Cllr Andrews raised the issue of the Blandford Eco Hub. A resident has voiced his concerns and is saying that the proposed solar panels will be highly visible from a large area and there will be loss of the North Down habitat. Cllr Allcock attended a Zoom meeting regarding the site. In a two-hour meeting, it was not possible to question anything. All questions had to be submitted in advance and many were not answered. It is very early days for the application, but the site is larger than the village of Winterborne Whitechurch. There is also some concern about the amount of parking. At this stage, it is still under consultation and an application has not been submitted. Cllr Parker has asked the company to hold a presentation at Winterborne Whitechurch and is happy for the residents of Lower Winterborne would be welcome to attend. At present, it seems the company will not be considering an application until the Spring of 2022.

Cllr Knapp raised the issue of Noah Henville Corner and the potholes that now need filling. This will be included in the letter to go to Highways.

16. Correspondence receive since the agenda was set
21.119 No further correspondence had been received.

17. Items for the February agenda
21.120 Members are asked to submit any items to the Clerk by the 12th April 2021

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.50hrs.meeting closed at 20.03hrs.

Comments are closed.