Minutes 20th July 2021


Present: Cllrs H Andrews, R Brock, B Newman, R Allcock, D Knapp, K Langdown, L Luxford

Chair: Cllr R Jessopp

Clerk: Mrs Amanda Crocker

Also present: 8 members of public

1. Public Participation
Changing of the format of meetings – could the public participation go towards the end of the meeting so the public can discuss what has happened during the meeting.

Queens’s Platinum Jubilee events – the WI would like to be involved in anything that may be organised, e.g., planting a tree or making teas.

The Churchyard – the Commonwealth War Grave needs to be tidied up now the flowers have gone over.

2. Declaration of Interest and requests for dispensations
22.022 No interests were declared, and no dispensations had been requested.

3. Apologies
22.023 Apologies had been received from Cllr Ron Sorrell and Dorset Councillor Emma Parker.

4. Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th May 2021
22.024 A copy of the minutes had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Andrews proposed them to be a true and accurate representation of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Newman and agreed unanimously. The Chair signed the minutes in the presence of the meeting.

5. Matters arising from those minutes for report only
22.025 No matters arising not covered by the agenda.

6 Dorset Councillors’ Reports
22.026 Cllr Emma Parker was unable to attend the meeting but had forwarded a copy of her report which had been issued to all councillors prior to the start of the meeting.

7. Finance
22.027 To confirm payment of accounts
The following payments had been requested:
Secure Alarms Fire alarm service – Sept’20 BACS024 162.00
Secure Alarms Burglar alarm service BACS024 100.80
ICL Annual web hosting to 31.03.22 BACS025 60.00
H Andrews Lamp post poppies BACS026 48.00
Rejuvenate Software support June 2021 BACS027 13.56
DC Pension Fund July pension contributions BACS028 124.33
A Crocker Wages & expenses BACS029 464.06
HMRC July PAYE BACS030 0.40
BT Hub alarm July 2021 BACS031 37.20
DWP Waste collection June 2021 BACS032 13.20
Greenbarnes Notice board for Zelston BACS033 1,545.20
Can I Cut It Grass cut & rec maintenance July BACS034 1,166.66
Rejuvenate Software support July BACS027 13.56

The total amount requested from the Precept for the month is £3,748.97.

Cllr Brock proposed the payments are made. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously.

22.027 To agree the reconciliation of accounts and position against budget
A copy of both reports had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting.

22.028 To confirm all payments made under delegated powers
The following payments had been made during the period between the 6th May and 30th June whilst the Parish Council had been unable to meet:
Philip Trim – Empty septic tank at rec – BACS010 – 145.00
Jurassic Coast – Pest control 07.04.20 to 06.04.21 – BACS011 – 768.00
Jurassic Coast – Pest control 07.04.21 to 06.04.22 – BACS011 – 768.00
DAPTC – Annual subscription – BACS012 – 355.33
Rejuvenate – Software support May 2021 – BACS013 – 13.56
Can I Cut It – Grass cutting & rec maintenance April – BACS014 – 1,166.66
Can I Cut It – Grass cutting & rec maintenance May – BACS014 – 1,166.66
H Andrews – Batteries for SID – BACS015 – 3.50
DC Pension Fund – May pension contributions – BACS016 – 124.33
A Crocker – Wages & expenses – BACS017 – 480.03

Total payments made for May: £4,991.07

BT Hub alarm – June 2021 – BACS018 – 37.20
DWP – Waste collection April 2021 – BACS019 – 13.20
DWP – Waste collection May 2021 – BACS019 – 13.20
Can I Cut It – Grass cutting & rec maintenance June – BACS020 – 1,166.66
Can I Cut It – Treework at cemetery – BACS021 – 350.00
DC Pension Fund – June pension contributions – BACS022 – 124.33
A Crocker – Wages & expenses – BACS023 – 476.31

Total payments made for June: £2,180.90

Cllr Brock proposed the payments are retrospectively agreed. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford and agreed.

8. To consider the adoption of the new Code of Conduct
22.029 A copy of the new Code had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting.

Cllr Andrews proposed it is adopted. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford and agreed unanimously.

9. Speed Watch update
22.030 Cllr Andrews reported that speed watch is up and running and have been out with the Police camera team on several occasions. Although there is more traffic, there are less people speeding. The SID has been working intermittently. The battery had come unhooked, but this was rectified. It may be possible that it is affected by the weather conditions. It seems to be working about 75% of the time. Cllr Langdown will get in touch with the suppliers to see if it needs servicing.


10. Hub update
22.031 Cllr Luxford reported that one quote for the replacement windows had been received. This was £4,700. Two further quotes will be obtained. She felt that the time has come to increase fees to £20 a session as there had been no increase for 3 years. This would enable us to pay for a cleaner to go in and clean the site. It may be possible for the long-standing regular users to keep the original price but birthday parties, etc will be charged at the new rate of £20.

Cllr Luxford proposed a price increase to £20 a session from September for birthday parties and ad hoc users. This was seconded by Cllr Knapp and agreed unanimously.

11. To consider matters arising from the Village Meetings
22.032 Winterborne Kingston Village Meeting
Nothing to come back from the meeting.

22.033 Winterborne Zelston Village Meeting
Cllr Newman reported that the Community Governance Review was discussed. Of those residents who responded to the vote, 34 were in favour of splitting from the Group Parish and 32 were against.

Cllr Newman proposed that, in accordance with the wishes of the majority of residents who voted, the Parish Council submit a request to Dorset Council removing Winterborne Zelston from the group parish and setting them up as a Parish Meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford. 2 in favour, 2 abstentions.

12. To consider Planning Applications
22.034 (i) P/FUL/2021/01243 Greyhound Inn, North Street – erection of single storey 2 bed mobile home & attached single storey storage/office building, with associated fencing and amenity space (retrospective)

Martin Davis addressed the meeting saying the proposal breaches various criteria of planning regulations. It is outside the settlement boundary of the village and the office storage area covers about half of the square footage of the application so cannot be deemed to be minor. The office storage area is sizeable and suggests it could be sublet at a later date. The work has already led to considerable disruption to the neighbours during the summer of 2020. The application could lead to parking on the road as there will be insufficient room in the existing car park. To permit this application may set a precedent for the future.

Cllr Brock felt that the scale of the development is not substantial, but the problem is that mobile home should not be granted permanent planning permission. He proposed the Parish Council should recommend that, if planning permission is granted, it should be for a temporary period of 3 to 5 years and the site should then be cleared.

Cllr Langdown felt this was becoming standard procedure throughout the country, starting with a mobile home and, as time goes along, a permanent dwelling is the end result.

Cllr Knapp noted that, before the site was cleared, there was a large barn there. This was removed a couple of years ago to allow for more parking. This provides a history of there being a building on the site.

Cllr Jessopp felt that any permission should include that it is for the use of the pub whether it is for staff accommodation, offices or storage.
What measures where taken for the installation of a septic tank so close to the river?

Cllr Brock proposed that we submit No Objection but question whether drainage is adequate given the close proximity to the river. In addition, temporary planning permission is granted for a mobile home for a specific period of time, after which the land is restored to its original state. There should further be a condition that the use is tied to that of a public house. Cllr Allcock seconded this. 6 in favour, 1 against.

(ii) P/HOU/2021/01565 Camelot, The Lane, WZ – erect single storey rear extension and replacement garage (demolish existing garage and conservatory)

Cllr Newman reported that the application would affect only the immediate neighbour. He suggested that we do not object, subject to the restoration of some trees which had been a condition of the original tree work being undertaken. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously.

22.035 To agree planning application responses made under delegated powers
The following planning applications had been received:

P/CLE/2021/00647 Building south of Botany Bay Inne – use of land to site mobile home for residential purposes.

This was a request for a Certificate of Lawful Development. No Objection.

P/PAAF/2021/001866 Land adjoining Ravensholt, The Street, WZ – Change of use & conversion of agricultural buildings to flexible business use (B1)

This followed P/PAAF/00336. No Objections but concerns raised as previous response.

Cllr Brock proposed that the planning comments are retrospectively agreed.

13. WK Playground & Recreation Ground
22.036 Cllr Allcock expressed concern regarding the installation of goal posts at the recreation ground due to the amount of dog mess on the site. He felt that, should we instal goal posts, we must, in the first instance enforce a dog ban on the site. This would involve setting up a by-law.

Langdown agreed. It is surprising how many people use the site and how many dogs there are now in the village.
Setting up a By-Law for banning dogs from the site will be put forward as a future agenda item.

Should the by-law be set up, the site could be set up as a full football pitch with a smaller 5 a side area. This would cost about £1,500. Cllr Allcock proposed that we install goal posts for the summer and see if peoples’ attitudes towards clearing up after their dog changes. Should there be no change, the goal posts will be removed, and the By-Law installed. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford and agreed unanimously.

14. To consider the future use of the Allotment Field
22.037 Cllr Jessopp reported that there is an issue that the area needs cutting. Several local farmers have offered to cut the area for free if they can keep the grass. The grass will be cut and additional quotes will be sort regarding the installation of fencing and water to the site.

15. Flood Watch
22.038 There had been some surface water flooding following the last heavy rainfall. James will go through the village to check the drains to see if any need clearing.

Cllr Newman and James met with the EA regarding the weeds in the stream in Zelston and found that what they have been doing over the last few years, i.e. clearing the banks and pond every year, is slowing the water rate down because it is, in effect, widening the river. This allows the nutrients to build up in the water and encourages weed growth. They have suggested that the weeds on the bank are left, and a small narrow channel is made to direct the flow. Clearing the pond is also adding to the slowing down of the water down leading. The EA suggested we consider planting willows along the bank as this would create a shelter which would prevent the weeds from growing.

16. To consider holding events for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and the Queen’s Green Canopy
22.039 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Cllr Jessopp has already begun taking soundings to see if people would like to do something similar to that of the Diamond Jubilee. There is some money left over from the previous function and this could be used as a starting fund.

Cllr Newman proposed that he get in touch with the village hall committee to see if there is something that could be funded from the parish to assist with whatever ideas they may have.

Members will consider sites elsewhere in the village for the planting of additional trees for the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative.

17. To consider a revised format for future meetings
22.040 Cllr Newman felt that a lot of the discussion that takes place at meetings ends in a proposal, but members do not have sufficient background knowledge to support any such proposal. Some of the agenda items are unduly long and many are non-voting items. These could be removed unless a
proposal needed to be made. Another element is the members of the public. If any issues are raised, they cannot be dealt with until the next meeting. If members of the public do have any issues, they should contact a member of the Parish Council so a paper could be put together and included on the agenda.

Public participation will remain at the beginning of the meeting for the time being.

Cllr Newman and the Clerk will liaise regarding a format which will be trialled for the September meeting.


18. Parish Councillors’ Reports
22.041 Cllr Andrews – the field from West Street to Bagwood Lane is now almost impassable. The Clerk will contact Mr Chichester. The issue of traffic to Abbots Court – when they have weddings on the site customers use East Street rather than the new access road. The Clerk will contact Planning Enforcement. The original application was required to encourage customers to use the new road. However, this will be confirmed in the first instance.

Cllr Allcock – moles on the way into the village. House on Pitchers Close – the hedge is very overgrown.

19, Correspondence receive since the agenda was set
22.042 Nothing to add.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20:18hrs

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st September 2021 at Winterborne Zelston Village Hall, commencing 7pm.

Comments are closed.