Minutes 21st September 2021


Present: Cllrs H Andrews, R Brock, B Newman, R Allcock, K Langdown, R Sorrell

Chair: Cllr R Jessopp

Clerk: Mrs Amanda Crocker

Also present: 7 members of public, Dorset Cllr Emma Parker

Public Participation

Event in the village to mark Green Week – looking into conservation and recycling and the general environment around the village. There was a suggestion that bulbs could be planted along the riverbank by the bridges. The WI would be prepared to do this. Also suggested was the possibility of wild flowers on verges, whilst other residents wanted to see them kept neat. Recycling – there is a firm called Tera Cycling which will take items that cannot be put into the green recycling bins. It may be possible to get a container outside the village hall. Next month there will be a follow up meeting to the one held last year to make the village hedgehog friendly. This will take place on the 14th October.

The agenda was not posted onto the Zelston village notice board – this was noted.

1. Declaration of Interest and requests for dispensations
22.043 No interests were declared, and no dispensations had been requested.

2. Apologies
22.044 Apologies had been received from Cllrs David Knapp and Lynn Luxford.

3. Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th July 2021
22.045 A copy of the minutes had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Brock proposed them to be a true and accurate representation of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously. The Chair signed the minutes in the presence of the meeting.

4. Matters arising from those minutes for report only
22.046 Abbots Court – no response received to date regarding the use of the tracks.

5. Dorset Councillors’ Reports
22.047 A copy of Cllr Emma Parker’s report was forwarded to all councillors prior to the start of the meeting.

6. Finance
04.09.21 BT Hub alarm September 2021 BACS048 37.49
03.09.21 DWP Waste removal August 2021 BACS049 13.20
14.09.21 DC Pension Fund Pension contributions September 2021 BACS050 124.33
09.09.21 PKF External audit fee BACS051 360.00
29.07.21 DAPTC Code of Conduct training BACS052 50.00
01.09.21 Can I Cut It Grass cut & Rec maintenance September BACS053 1166.66
01.09.21 Can I Cut It Repair to mower prior to sale BACS053 378.50
16.09.21 A Crocker Wages + expenses BACS054 465.70
01.09.21 Rejuvenate Software support – September 2021 BACS055 13.56
The following payments had been requested:
04.09.21 BT Hub alarm September 2021 BACS048 37.49

The total amount requested from the Precept for the month is £2,609.44.

Cllr Brock proposed the payments are made. This was seconded by Cllr Allcock and agreed unanimously.

22.049 To agree the reconciliation of accounts and position against budget
A copy of both reports had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting.

22.050 To accept the External Auditors report for the accounts for the year ended 31st March 2021
The auditors issued an unqualified audit for the year ended 31st March 2021.

7. To receive reports
22.051 Reports had been received from:
– Community Speed Watch – Appendix A
– Community Hub – Appendix B
– Flood Watch – Appendix C. Additional points – the branch blocking the stream by the Greyhound will be cleared by the EA when they strim the bank. The gullies have now been cleared. Zelston had a river clear up last weekend
– Play Area Report – tree planting from 2 years – about 6 trees have died. Play area fencing is completely rotten and needs to be replaced. A quote will be put together and work will be undertaken as a matter of urgency. The new play equipment will be arriving later in October. The grant from Dorset Council of £1,500 will be put towards the previous equipment and installation. The football pitch has now been marked out.
– WK – possibility of by-law to prevent dog walkers on the recreation ground. The situation is being monitored now the football pitch has been marked out.
– WZ- no report.
Copies were included with the agenda and are attached as appendices to these minutes.

8. To consider Planning Applications
22.052 P/LBC/2021/01975 Huish Manor, Huish
Removal of modern partition and insertion of 2 rooflights. Carry out all internal and external alterations in association with this.
No comments were made. This is a listed building alteration.

9. Items for action and resolution
22.053 To agree the quotation for the installation of new windows to the Hub
Currently awaiting a third quotation. This will be brought back to the October meeting.

22.054 To consider quotations received in respect of the Allotment Field
Currently awaiting additional quotations. This will be brought back to the October meeting. The problem at this stage is that no-one wants to do the work at this time of year. A quote has been received for the work for the access path and this will be brought back to the October meeting.

20.055 To confirm the requirements for Remembrance Sunday
An application to close the road will be submitted. The scale of the service will be sorted out nearer the time. It may be necessary to have some volunteers to organise traffic management. This will be brought to the October meeting.

10, Correspondence receive since the agenda was set
22.056 Bulb planting by the river from the bridge. The idea is to put them on the bank. Additional information will be brought back to a later meeting.

Public conveniences in Blandford – Cllr Sorrell proposed no donation is made. This was seconded by Cllr Newman and agreed unanimously.
New format agenda – the idea was that the agenda and reports would be posted on the notice boards and on the website so members of the public would be able to come to the meetings knowing what is going to be discussed and have had the chance to prepare questions or comments. Parish Councillors reports will also be added as an agenda item to allow for any items not covered by the reports.

Cllr Langdown – water leak at Muston Lane where it joins Marsh Lane. Sorted last week. Hedgehog warning signs – to be sited in conjunction with the grass cutting contractor. Defibrillators – there is a training kit at the Hub and training courses can be set up.

Cllr Jessopp – rights of way – several issues. All are being reported. We cut the areas where the paths meet the highway, but the Parish Council is not in a position to take over the management of the rights of way. Cllr Parker’s report raises the issue of how the rights of way could be managed.

Items for the next agenda:
– Queens Jubilee
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 19.44pm
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th October 2021 at Winterborne Kingston Village Hall, commencing 7pm.

Appendix A
Community Speedwatch

The Speedwatch team has carried out 8 sessions since the last Parish Council meeting. We recorded 3079 vehicles passing by with 39 speeding; a low percentage, however, we find that seeing us in our yellow jackets does tend to slow the majority down.

Tuesday the 7th September was a Community Speedwatch Day of Action when over 40 teams participated in Dorset. We were visited by a member of the camera team and also a police officer. The event was reported in the Dorset Echo.

I have lost a couple of volunteers recently so may have to go on another recruitment drive. If anyone would like to help on the odd occasion, then I’d be pleased to hear from them.

Appendix B
Community Hub, Winterborne Kingston
September 2021 Report
The Hub continued to be used over the summer holidays. Mothers and Toddlers met weekly as in term time. Scouts will be returning beginning October and are now up to date with their payments. We have most weekends booked for functions in September and bookings are starting to come in for October and November now.

We updated the poster with the increase in fees and posted it on social media sites. We are looking at adding details of the village Pub to the poster as Emma and her team would like to work with us to offer extra services to help us utilise the potential of the hub.

We still only have 2 quotes for window replacement and are awaiting a 3rd. Hopefully, by October, I will be able to bring this to the Councillors for consideration.

Thank you to Keith for fixing the Gents toilets for us.

Still on the lookout for a second-hand replacement fridge and awaiting old ones being taken away.

Lynn Luxford

Appendix C
Flood Wardens Report – Winterborne Kingston
Groundwater is still dropping and unless we get some significant rain over the next 6 weeks, I am pretty sure that the Winterborne will stay dry into November/December this year.

Winterborne Zelston will be removing some weed from the river this Saturday 18th September with previous guidance from the Environment Agency – Henry Quinney and myself after a site visit with Bill and Alan. If I am around I will pop down for advice and might even jump in myself and give them a hand.

Winterborne Kingston – The Environment Agency will do their Annual strimming from the Greyhound Pub up to Brookley Cottage probably in early October as part of the village flood defence maintenance before the flows start again.

James Allan

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