Minutes 17th May 2022


Present: Cllrs H Andrews, R Sorrell, B Newman, D Knapp, M Meaden

Chair: Cllr R Jessopp

Clerk: Mrs Amanda Crocker

Also present: 3 members of public

Public Participation

The road from Noah Henville Corner to Sackville Street and the footpath between the two bridges need to be made up. Much of the problem is due to the tree roots but both areas need to be fully resurfaced.

There are now reflectors on the posts at White Post but we continue to chase for the green cats eyes across the junction.

1 Declaration of Interest and requests for dispensations

23.015 No interests were declared, and no dispensations had been requested.

2 Apologies

23.016 Apologies had been received from Cllrs Lynn Luxford, Roy Allcock, Richard Brock and Dorset Councillor Emma Parker.

3 Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th April 2022

23.017 A copy of the minutes had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Knapp proposed them to be a true and accurate representation of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Meaden and agreed unanimously. The Chair will sign the minutes in due course.

4 Matters arising from those minutes for report only

23.018 Paint for the kiosk had been purchased and passed to Cllr Andrews.

Rabbits/badgers at the rec – the quantity of rabbits has been reduced. Some topsoil will be purchased to fill the holes.

Bus shelter – Simon Hart confirmed that he had replaced one of the sheets of Perspex and will quote for replacement of the other panel.

5 Elections

23.019 To elect the Chair for the coming year

Cllr Knapp proposed Cllr Jessopp for the role. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously. Cllr Jessopp signed the Acceptance of Office.

23.020 To elect the Vice Chair for the coming year

Cllr Andrews nominated Cllr Sorrell. This was seconded by Cllr Newman and agreed unanimously. Cllr Sorrell signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

6 Dorset Councillors’ Reports

23.021 Cllr Emma Parker was unable to attend the meeting but had forwarded a copy of her report which had been issued to all councillors prior to the start of the meeting.

7. Finance

23.022 To confirm payment of accounts

The following payments had been requested:

BT – Hub alarm – May 2022 – BACS009 – 40.67
Rejuvenate – Email hosting – May 2022 – BACS010 – 13.56
DWP – Waste collection – BACS011 – 13.68
DC Pension Fund – May 2022 pension contributions – BACS012 – 126.50
HMRC – PAYE May 2022 – BACS013 – 1.20
Rejuvenate – Repairs to Outlook – BACS014 – 9.60
Rejuvenate – Email hosting – February 2022 – BACS015 – 13.56
A Crocker – May 2022 wages – BACS016 – 570.77
Can I Cut It – Grounds maintenance – BACS017 – 1190.00
R Jessopp – Outdoor adaptor for Hub – BACS018 – 116.37

The total amount requested from the Precept for the month is £2,095.91.

Cllr Andrews proposed the payments are made. This was seconded by Cllr Sorrell and agreed unanimously.

23.023 To confirm the Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31st March 2022

A copy had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Each statement was reviewed and individually acknowledged. Cllr Knapp then proposed that the Annual Governance Statement is accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Meaden and agreed unanimously. The Statement was then signed by the Chairman and Clerk.

23.024 To confirm the Annual Account Statements for the year ended 31st March 2022

A copy of the full set of accounts had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Sorrell proposed the accounts are accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Meaden and agreed unanimously. The Accounting Statement was then signed by the Chairman.

23.025 To confirm the Standing Orders

Cllr Sorrell raised a number of issues regarding this Standing Orders. These will be considered and brought back to the June meeting.

23.026 To confirm the Financial Regulations

A copy of the Financial Regulations had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. There being no amendments necessary at this time, Cllr Newman proposed the Regulations are accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously.

23.027 To confirm the Risk Assessment

A copy of the current Risk Assessment had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Meaden proposed that the current Risk Assessment is accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Andrews and agreed unanimously.

8. To receive the following reports

23.029 Speed Watch – the SID seems to be slightly intermittent. This may be due to the fact that it is partially covered.

23.030 Hub – Cllr Luxford was unable to attend the meeting, but a copy of her report had been issued with the agenda.

23.031 Flood Watch – No report was available.

23.032 Play Area and Recreation Ground – No report was available.

9. Planning Applications

23.033 To consider planning applications received

P/ADV/2022/02439 Petrol Station, Winterborne Zelston – display signs

This refers to the building signage. Most the of comments from villagers have been very positive. However, Cllr Sorrell highlighted some objections that he had received.

Objections – this signage should be on the west of the development and will have little effect on nearby residents. Addition of lighting will have a detrimental impact on local wildlife. We are in an area with very little light pollution. What are the safeguards of birds and bats becoming victims of the road having been drawn by the lights? What provision will be made to prevent light pollution to residents in Winterborne Zelston.

It was felt that all the objections referred to the lighting that was originally confirmed in the initial planning application. Mention could be made of this within the response of the Parish Council.

Cllr Newman proposed the application is supported with similar caveats made to those as the originally application.

10. Items for action and resolution

23.034 To confirm the Privacy Policy (GDRP)

A copy of the draft policy had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Meaden proposed the policy is accepted. This was seconded by Cllr Sorrell and agreed unanimously.

23.035 To review the meeting dates to March 2023

At the Winterborne Zelston Annual Village Meeting, the question of whether or not meetings should continue to be held in Zelston was raised. It was proposed that only two meetings continue in the village – the Annual Parish meeting and one meeting in June. Cllr Newman proposed this amendment and this was seconded by Cllr Meaden and agreed unanimously.

23.036 To agree village posts held

This will be considered at the June meeting.

11. To receive an update on the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

23.037 Zelston – brass band, tea coffees and soft drinks at the street party on Sunday between 3pm and 5pm

Kingston – everything is proceeding as previously set out and the road closure has been put in place.

12. Parish Councillors’ Reports on matters not covered in Item 8

23.038 Cllr Andrews reported that the carpenter is running behind but will undertake the work as soon as possible. The allotment field – when completed, can horse friendly gates be put in. It is a bridleway so should have the appropriate gates. What is going to happen regarding adders? Dogs – could get access to the field where the horses are as the current fence is not very secure. As it is a bridleway, dogs should be on a lead when a horse is going through. All of this will be taken into account as we get closer to progressing the site.

Cllr Langdown – the wicket gate at the recreation ground has disappeared – it was removed as people were just closing the gate in order to let the dogs run free without being on a lead. By removing it, it was hoped that people would take more control over their dogs.

Hedgehogs – access between one property and another is a problem. A box of hedgehog highway surrounds can be supplied – allows hedgehogs to pass from one garden to another without permitting pets to escape. There are 50 in a box at a cost of £150. These could be given away or sold at a cost of £3 to £5. This will be brought back to the June meeting.

13, Correspondence receive since the agenda was set

23.039 Nothing further to add.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 19.42hrs

Comments are closed.