Minutes 19th April 2022

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19th April 2022, following the Annual Parish Village meeting.

Present: Cllrs K Langdown, H Andrews, B Newman, R Brock, R Allcock, M Meaden, D Knapp, L Luxford

Chair: Cllr R Jessopp

Clerk: Mrs A Crocker

Also present: 8 members of the public, including James Allen

Before the meeting began, Cllr Jessopp asked those present to remember two past councillors and chairman. Harry Wellstead passed away on the 29th March and Alan Reed passed away on the 7th April. Our thoughts are with their families.

Some suggestions were put before members for the use of the Recreation ground – particularly the area where the cricket pavilion used to be. The suggestions included regressing the area which used to be the car park, painting and maintenance of the wall, rebuilding/extending the footpath to the pedestrian gate, re-digging and planting the flower beds, adding seating areas/picnic benches, adding an extra gate between the seating area and the play park. The majority of the work could be undertaken by volunteers and fund raising could be held in the village to cover any costs.

It was noted that the Parish Council had submitted an application for a DDA compliant pathway from the car park to the Hub, but we were turned down. We are always on the lookout to see what funds are available. James Allen reported there is a grant available from the EA for local resilience. There may also be some grants available from the company completing the charging station. It may be better for an application to come from a public group rather than the Parish Council in some instances.

More play equipment is needed for the older children. We are not completely sure as to what is under the site where the clubhouse once stood, although it is known that there is a lot of rubble under the grass near the centre of the site. The cesspit has been filled in and the site does get mowed now but the fir trees along the boundary need cutting back and the fence may need replacing.

This could be a possible project for using some of the funds raised from the Jubilee. If there were welcoming family areas, more people might use the site and this may have the effect of encouraging more dog owners to clear up after their dogs.

Colin Pitman reported that the football pitch is mown shorter than the rest of the area to make it obvious that it is a pitch. The area will be lined out but there is a problem with possible rabbit holes in the pitch area. Cllr Jessopp will have a look at the area to ensure the holes are down to rabbits and not badgers, as previously was the case.


1. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
23.001 No interests were declared and no dispensations had been requested.

2. To receive apologies for absence
23.002 Apologies had been received from Cllr Ron Sorrell.

3. To confirm the Minutes the meeting held on the 15th March 2022
23.003 A copy of the minutes had been issued to all members prior to the start of the meeting. Cllr Brock proposed them to be a true and accurate representation of the meeting. This was seconded by Cllr Allcock and agreed unanimously. The Chair signed the minutes in the presence of the meeting.

4. Matters arising from those minutes for report only
23.004 White Post Junction – Notice had been received from the Highways Agency saying they would replace the green cats’ eyes when they return later in the year to undertake work on the road. It was noted that the road had, once again been closed earlier in the month without any prior notice to residents. The Clerk will contact the Highways Agency and them to give assurances that suitable notice is given to the residents before closing the road. In addition, it will be requested that the main crossing area for when the road is closed is amended from Red Post Junction to the Worlds End.
Notice Board – The materials have been ordered and the board will be installed in the next six weeks.


5. Dorset Councillor’s Report
23.005 A copy of the Councillor’s report had been issued with the agenda and is available in full on the Parish Council website.

6. Finance
23.006 To confirm the payment of accounts
The following payments had been requested:
BT Hub alarm BACS001 40.67
Rejuvenate Email support – April 2022 BACS002 13.56
DWP Waste collection BACS003 26.40
DCPension Pension contributions – April 2022 BACS004 126.50
HMRC PAYE April 2022 BACS005 1.60
A Crocker April 2022 wages BACS006 495.07
Can I Cut It Grounds maintenance BACS007 1,190.00
Jurassic Pest Control Pest control 07.04.22 to 06.04.23 BACS008 768.00
The total amount requested from the Precept is £2,661.80.
Cllr Knapp proposed the payments are made. This was seconded by Cllr Luxford and agreed unanimously.
23.007 To confirm the reconciliation of accounts and position against budget
A copy of both reports had been issued to members prior to the start of the meeting. No comments were made or queries raised.

7. To receive reports
23.008 Reports had been received from:
(a) Community Speed Watch – A report had been attached to the agenda and is available as Appendix A to these minutes.
(b) Community Hub – £48 was being paid in from bookings for the month. This included two parties and a Drama Group.
(c) Flood Watch – Nothing to report this month.
(d) Play Area and Recreation Ground – The gatepost to the play area will need to be replaced. Colin Pitman will organise its replacement as there is a new post in the tractor shed that could be used.

8. To consider Planning Applications
23.009 There were no applications for consideration.

9. Items for action and resolution
23.010 To consider setting up a work party to renovate the Kingston bus shelter
Cllr Andrews reported that she had tried cleaning the Perspex panels with hot soapy water but with little success. James Allan said he may be able to get some cleaning material that would be more appropriate for Perspex. The metal work needs rubbing down and painting and some additional reflective strips are required. Cllr Jessopp will check on the reflective strips.


10. To receive an update on the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
23.011 Zelston – Street party on the green, curtesy of Mr Honeybun and a road closure has been applied for.
Kingston – A road closure for Church Street has been applied for.

11. Parish Councillors’ Report on matters not covered in Item 7
23.012 Cllr Andrews reported that the hedge alongside the Old Post Office leading to Church Street is now very overgrown and the footpath nearly obscured. The bench outside the village hall needs to be repaired. It is now necessary to paint the kiosk again this year. The Clerk will organise the appropriate paint and undercoat.


It was suggested that the local MP is contacted once again with regard to the White Post Junction to see if something can be done about the road layout to facilitate vehicles exiting onto the main road.
The progress of the Dorset Council 20mph guidelines will be checked.
A request has been made for a sign to go in Church Lane saying ‘No Parking’. It was noted that this would require a Road Traffic Order. A sign could be put on the church gate asking people not to park in front of the gate.
Recreation ground trees – The plastic protectors now need to be removed. A team of volunteers will be sort to assist with this.

12. Correspondence received since the agenda was set
23.013 Nothing to add.

13. Items for the May ageanda
23.014 – future meetings at Zelston Village Hall
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20:18hrs.

Appendix A
8 sessions since our last meeting

We have recorded over 1400 vehicles passing by with just 18 speeding, a very low percentage. It is felt that just us being there reduces the speed so we are playing a part.

We targeted West Street again and once again it was a bit like watching paint dry waiting for a vehicle to come along with just 59 vehicles in an hour. However the 3 speeding still gives a higher percentage than at other sites.

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